Career Opportunities in Tourism Industry in India.

Career Opportunities in Tourism Industry in India.

By 2025 in India, The Tourism Industry hopes to create 46 million job opportunities. Students can get endless opportunities in the fastest growing Industry. 

In India, the travel industry hopes to create 46 million job opportunities by 2025. Though it was slow to take off in this country, the government's initiatives in this field are uncovering a bright future for those who want to make a career in this field.

The travel and tourism industry, along with the related sectors contributing to it, is expected to grow in leaps and bounds in the coming years. A job in this industry can be highly exciting and adventurous and even pays well. 

Career options in Tourism and Associated Industries:-

  • Travel Agencies, 
  • Customer Ground Handling (customer service) at international or domestic airports, 
  • Tour operator, 
  • Event manager, 
  • Ticketing officer, 
  • Adventure tourism expert, 
  • Transport officer, 
  • Holiday Consultant, Travel Consultant, 
  • logistics, cruises, airlines, hotels, and tourism departments in government and private sectors.


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