Vocationalisation of Education in India - A Major Challenge

Vocationalisation of Education in India - A Major Challenge

In the Indian education system, the greatest challenge is to provide skill-based education to school-going children. 

Today, the greatest challenge in the Indian education system is to provide skill-based education to school-going children. It is surprising that children who require skills don't desire them. There are two major reasons for this:-

1. Vocational education or skills have no social standing when compared to professional education.

2. The social stigma a skilled professional is not compared fairly with a person in a white-collar job (a doctor, an engineer, a lawyer, etc.)

Ask school-going children about their desire, no one will be interested in becoming an auto mechanic, a travel assistant, a plumber, a mobile handset repairer or an accountant. This is happening because of the nurturing thought of our society. Every parent wants to see their children as a doctor, an engineer, a lawyer, etc. Due to stable income in these sectors. this leads to children becoming a jack of few sectors and master of none. 

Students never excel in these fields as they are either not interested or don't have an aptitude for the same. thus their chances of keeping up to the expectations of their parents nullify. then comes a time when students realize that only vocational education can be a savior and help them to compete in the competitive and highly professional corporate world and that they need to go back to its basics. 

Gandhi's Philosophy of education:-
"Every handicraft has to be taught not merely mechanically as is done today, but scientifically.
this is to say, the child should learn the, 'Why' and 'Wherefore' of every process." 



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