World's Highest Battlefield Open for Tourism - Siachen Glacier Base Camp

On the occasion of inaugurating a bridge across River Shyok in Ladakh, India’s Defence Minister, Rajnath Singh announced to open World's Highest Battlefield Open for Tourism - Siachen Glacier Base Camp for Tourists to next travel destination. The opening of the glacier to tourists scale-up adventure tourism, skiing resorts, and more. This is a great opportunity for India to develop one of its finest attractions and have the world come to visit this beautiful place.

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The Siachen Glacier was termed as barren and useless in the Shimla Agreement in 1972 because this agreement did not determine the boundary between India and Pakistan. In 1984 Pakistan has ordered to prepare some Hot Suit to Capture this area but before the consignment of Pakistan suit taken place, India got ready these Hot Suits through Operation Meghdoot and deployed on Bilafond La Pass. Siachen Glacier is also the second-largest glacier in the world outside the polar region.


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